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Book marketing. What’s all the hubbub about?

What’s all the hubbub about book marketing?

You’ve done all the hard work, right?

You’ve planned, created, plotted, written, edited, polished, and finally published your novel. And thanks to the simplicity of Amazon’s self-publishing platform, that’s easier than it’s ever been before.

Even so, it’s taken years – maybe many years – of blood, sweat and tears to get this far, but you can give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back, because you’ve finally achieved it.

So what next?

Well, unfortunately this is where the hard work really begins, because although writing and publishing your book might have felt like a battle royal at times, marketing it can be more like a war. Let’s face it, you’re competing with the other couple of million books that are published throughout the world in any given year, all vying for their readers’ attention.

Creating stand-out book marketing and social media campaigns takes time and effort, not to mention artistic skills of which not everyone is possessed, but without them, your book is just going to sit on the virtual shelves of Amazon’s back catalogue gathering metaphorical dust, instead of capturing the attention, and the sales it deserves.

Of course, as with most things today, there are plenty of self-help books out there, and even some free guidance on the internet, telling you how to go about book marketing and promotion.

But you need to ask yourself this one simple question… would you rather spend your valuable time wading through other people’s words of advice, regardless of their own levels of success, and then still find yourself fumbling around in the dark when it comes to the vagaries of book marketing and advertising? Or would you rather be doing the one thing all authors should be focusing on… namely writing your next novel, and leave all the itty bitty marketing stuff to people who do it, day in, day out… people who know how to target ads to your readers, create dynamic imagery, and generate productive campaigns, and who will work with you to give you the best results for your hard work.

If you’d rather be an author than a book marketer, then whisper in our ear, and let us do the shouting.